The Rotary Club of Pinjarra reached a significant milestone in March of this year, being the club's 50th Anniversary. As well as celebrations, the club had a long term plan to commemorate the occasion with a significant gift to the community in the form of an avenue of trees leading into Pinjarra.
During the last three years, several meetings were held with representatives from the Shire of Murray and Main Roads Department to develop the plan for this project. Our club representatives (PP John Tuckey and now President Richard Hordacre) continued negotiations with these bodies to iron out several obstacles to the project, culminating in approval to carry out the tree planting along the southern entrance to the town.
While the negotiations continued, club members, under the direction of Richard at his Hamel Nursery, followed through the process of preparing the Jacaranda trees - from the initial seeding, through repotting, and eventually planting. The trees were finally ready for planting in April 2017, and we selected Thursday 27th as the day.
Several Rotarians, partners and friends planted 100 trees along the South West Highway during an enjoyable afternoon in true Rotary spirit. We gift this project to the Community as our legacy for long into the future of Pinjarra.