Change-Over Night 2018
The Pinjarra Golf Club was the venue for the Annual Change Over of Presidents function for the Rotary Club of Pinjarra on Thursday 14th of June 2018. Among the many guests and partners of members who attended, were Rotary District 9465 Governor-Elect (2018-19) Robyn Yates and Assistant District Governor Phil Brown.
Master of Ceremonies Mervyn Williams called the meeting to order, and as is the tradition for the Club, proceedings began with most joining in to sing a rousing rendition of “Side by Side”.
Out-going President Richard Hordacre had the sad duty of informing the Club of the passing of our 1999/2000 Club President, Canon Frank Watts. Frank was remembered by Rotarian Don McClements as a lively and popular member while in Pinjarra as the resident Anglican Minister. Frank passed away only two days before his 88th birthday.
President Richard had the pleasant duty of presenting Robyn Brown and Natalie Giblett with a bouquet of flowers each in recognition of their energetic contribution during the Club’s 5th Long Slow Lunch function which was held recently.
Past President Murray Chapman proposed a toast to Australia, thankful for the wonderful country in which we live. Past President Ian Cullen said then a short prayer for Grace before the meal was served.
Past District Governor John Smith then proposed a toast to Rotary International. PDG John noted that the cog wheel’s (the Rotary International Wheel symbol) function is to work with other cogs in order for an output to happen, and it is pleasing to observe that Rotarians world-wide keep the cog turning for the greater good.
DGE Robyn Yates thanked John for the toast, and briefly introduced herself to the Club. She is looking forward to meeting Rotarians as she visits the District’s Clubs during the year ahead, and wished the Rotary Club of Pinjarra a good year for the incoming President and Board.
Club Secretary Vince Costantino then proposed a toast to the Partners of Rotarians noting that their help guidance and support contributes much to our Club. Sue Gillett responded to the toast on behalf of the Partners, thanking Vince for his words, and reassuring that it is great to be the partner of a Rotarian.
A bottle of Myattfield Wine was raffled, and won by Don McClements.
After the main meal, President Richard gave his final formal report to the Club. He noted a number of momentous occasions that had occurred during his Presidency, however, on a personal level, there was no more momentous occasion than the one where Jacki said “yes” to his marriage proposal. President Richard congratulated the members for their enthusiastic support of the Club, its projects, and the opportunities for fellowship that had occurred. He also thanked the outgoing Board for their work. Among the many projects and events that had occurred through the year, Richard highlighted the Tree Planting project, the Long Slow Lunch function, the Annual Alcoa-Rotary Club of Pinjarra Art Show and Sale, and the Community Mental Health Forum.
DGE Robyn promoted the District Conference to be held in Collie next March (22nd to 24th). Her passion is to fully support the End Polio Now Campaign which is very close to ensuring the eradication of this terrible disease from the world. Rotary International is partnering with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation who have offered to match on a 2 for 1 basis monies committed by Rotary to the Campaign. Robyn will have her head shaved at the Conference next year for this cause, and is hopeful that the Clubs, and Rotarians will support her in the endeavour.
Richard then formally handed over the Presidency to incoming President Geoff Booth, and presented him with a President’s badge. DGE Robyn then presented a Past President’s badge to Richard. The President’s Board hanging from the lectern was then ceremoniously replaced to display President Geoff as the Club’s 2018-19 President.

District Governor Elect Robyn Yates flanked by Past President Richard Hordacre and President Geoff Booth
President Geoff complemented Richard for the successful past year. He expressed pride at the things that the Club had achieved, noting that fellowship and friendships are evident core values of this Club.
President Geoff recognised the magnificent jobs done by the Art Boards team, and the Art Show Committee. He particularly honoured Sue Gillett who is stepping away from the close involvement she has had as part of the Art Show Committee for a long time.
President Geoff then introduced and presented the 2018-19 Board to the meeting. He also honoured his wife Karlie as his partner and supporter.

The 2018-19 Board: Murray Chapman (International/Foundation); Don Marshall (Secretary); Vince Costantino (Administration/President-Elect); Ian Cullen (Youth); Kelly Bain (Vocational); President Geoff Booth; Richard Hordacre (Vice-President); Andrew McCormack (Membership); and Mervyn Williams (Treasurer). Community Director John Tuckey is away on leave.
Following the introduction of the new Board, a second raffle was conducted with the prize a 1.4m long piece of West Australian Marri, crafted as a coat hanger by Vince Costantino. This was won by Anne Carter.
As with many Rotary functions, a Fines Session followed with Sergeant Joe Bryant who fleeced many of those present for misdemeanours, actual or imagined.
President Geoff then unfurled the new 2018-19 Theme Banner which encourages Rotarians to “Be The Inspiration”.
The meeting closed with the National Anthem.