The Rotary Club of Pinjarra held its annual Change-over of Presidents Night
The evening was very well attended, with more than 70 Rotarians and guests joining to welcome a new President and Board to guide the Club in the new Rotary year.
Rotary District 9465 was represented by Assistant District Governor Phil Brown, and other notable guests were Past District Governor John Smith (himself a member fo this Club), Be Westbrook, the incoming President of the Rotary Club of Mandurah Districts, and the President of the Lions Club of Pinjarra, Kevin Thorn, who were introduced by the Master of Ceremonies for the evening, Past-President Rob Davis.
A festive night, started by a gusy rendition of the song "Vive le Rotary", saw 2018-19 Club President Geoff Booth summarise the achievements of the Club from this Rotary Year, highlighting the Club's contribution to Rotary International's End Polio Now Campaign ( ) and the local project to build a Bicycle and General Storage Shed at Fairbridge College at major efforts. Other projects which the Club embraced included the 4-Way Speech Test Contest re-introduced into Murray Shire Schools, the Long Slow Lunch event, the Cocktails in the Courthouse caper, and the Annual Alcoa-Rotary Club of Pinjarra Art Show and Sale.
President Geoff praised the efforts of the Art Board Hire Committee and crew whose efforts continue to generate funds which are directed to the variety of charitable causes supported by the Club. And indeed, he praised the Club members for the manner in which all members have contributed in their own way to the sucessful outcomes that have been achieved.
Then, with a huge smile, he became Past-President Geoff as he handed the reins to 2019-20 President Vince Costantino, who thanked all present for the trust placed in him by the Club as he becomes the Club's 53rd President.
President Vince expressed the desire to see the Club continue to build successully in achievements, based on the traditional values held by the members. The Club values include the embracing of Fellowship, which engenders the strength that it applies to the projects that members will identify through their committees.
President Vince then introduced the 2019-20 Board of Directors to the function.
From the left, Miles Hewitt (Community), Geoff McLarty (Youth), James Tabor (Administration), President Vince Costantino, Mervyn Williams (Treasurer), Andrew McCormack (Membership), Don Marshall (Secretary), Murray Chapman- at the front (International-Foundation), Past-President Geoff Booth (Vice-President), and Kelly Booth (Vocational).
The very successful evening was brought to a close in the way of Rotary, which the singing of the National Anthem.