The Members of the Rotary Club of Pinjarra were invited to attend the Pinjarra Senior High School to observe students take part in the first Round of the Rotary 4 Way Speech Test Contest.
Six Year 10 students from the School; Thalia Farrelly, Danica Old, Willow McGuigan, Paige Flatt, and Sheridan Gangell, each made a six minute long speech to an audience of Parents, friends, and members of the Rotary Club of Pinjarra.
The Four Way Test speech contest is a competition for secondary school students in Year 10. It highlights the concepts of the Rotary Four Way Test, creates an opportunity for students to develop their public speaking skills, and provides Rotary with valuable exposure within the community.
Each participant may choose their own topic, but the four principles of the Rotary Four Way Test must be explored in the speech:
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
The audience was completely engrossed listening to these young persons as they made their speeches. There was no doubting the work they had done to research their material. Each student was passionate in their own way as they told their story, incorporating the elements of the Rotary 4 Way Speech Test into it. Credit too, must be given to the dedicated teaching staff who have mentored these young ladies as they prepared for the Contest.
Rotary Club of Pinjarra President Vince Costantino commented that each student had overcome one of the most difficult barriers that a person could ever face during a lifetime; the challenge that speaking in public presents to a person. He told the contestants that they should all be proud of their effort, and that they were all "winners" because of the manner in which they have faced this task.
And there was no more difficult task than that which faced the three adjudicators for the evening. Selecting a "best of" from the speeches made was very difficult. The adjudicators' selection of the student to represent the Rotary Club of Pinjarra in the next round of the Rotary 4 Way Speech Test Contest wasThalia Farrelly. Danica Old was selected as the runner-up, and would substitute for Thalia in the event that she was unavailable to attend the next round of the Contest.
Pinjarra Senior High School Principal Ms Jan Stone, pictured with Willow McGuigan, Paige Flatt, Sheridan Gangell, Thalia Farrelly, Danica Old, and Rotary Club of Pinjarra President Vince Costantino.
Following the contest, the staff and students of the Home Economics Class prepared the catering for the speakers and audience to enjoy. And enjoy they did! With a lavish variety of canapes, finger-food, and pastries, no one went home wanting for food. The caterers were thanked for the feast they provided.
Students from the Home Econonics Class with Teacher Ms Marisa Barr
As is the custom at Rotary Club of Pinjarra meetings, the evening closed with the attendees singing the Australian National Anthem.
It is fair to say that everyone went home having appreciated and enjoyed an entertaining evening witnessing the next generation of young people beginning to make their mark on the world in which they live.